Thursday, 4 December 2014

task 4

This image is one of Beaton's many online comics inspired by everyday stereotypes and exploring them. Her work has ranged from people who exist to fictional self made characters for her comics. This example explores feminism as well as sexism, and by doing so she then shows power, gender roles, attitudes, inequality and societal means in her work. It is very obvious that this particular piece is strongly influenced by her own opinion on sexism, and how she views the taboo subject, as the style and presentation of the females seems to be a very natural way of portraying women in her case. This is shown throughout a lot of her work involving the female sex, as the sexualised  parts of the body are very prominent with no attempt to hide or restrict said features. which contradicts modern views on how women should be seen. such as celebrity influence also has a negative effect on public opinion. “I used to think of it as my job: making myself appealing”(Macdonald, 1995).

The way her comics, in particular "strong female characters", are created small scale using inks and pens, accompanied by very strong, fluid, line quality. As most of her works are set out in this minimalistic style it forces the viewer to interpret what colours the characters would be wearing, subconsciously. When i look at the image i see them wearing dark leathers clothing, with hints of colour which to me shows their strength, therefor allowing the people analyzing the image to establish their own view on the subject. As the image is monochrome is avoiding being more stereotypically feminine which yet again enforce power to the characters, and a representation of their strength.

As feminism and the ongoing fight to eradicate sexism is very strong in todays culture throughout most parts of the world, this work has become popular in its views of one ideal of sexism, the view that seemingly mocks how feminism is seen, but at the same time as portrays strong semi naked ladies it doesnt seem to objectify them which is usualy the reason to reduce clothing on female images. As they do it in a way that doesnt sexualise or objectify women it contradicts modern societys idea of the perfect woman. Barbie is one influence showing an ideal for the female body, “Above all, it seems, Barbie is an icon of the femininity associated with the middle reaches of contemporary western societies.” (Rogers, 1999). 

The quote "sexism is over" is also present in this image, making the meaning of the comic finalised. However as it states that sexism is over, we all know that sexism has never been resolved, therefor showing that it is not an accurate representation of our world. With it been within a speech bubble it also shows that it is an ideal of the writer herself using the characters to show this.

mocking women who associate with being feminists, such as the statement: Feminists spend more effort claiming that feminism is somehow ‘mainstream’ than they do on the cause of improving the lives of women” (Atkinson, 2011).There is also a mocking aspect to her strong women, as in modern society strong women in fictional stories, be it comics or even video games, they are commonly heavily sexualised with their features and personalities being very stereotypical. Such as the common concept art of video games following a pattern of less and less clothing to attract the male audience. Kate Beaton seems to have used this in her visualization in her versions of female protagonists, and managed to twist this to benefit her view on sexism, which intentionally or unintentionally makes her work seem to mock perceptions of females.

[Accessed 4/2/15]

Macdonald, M (1995) Representing Women, London, Bloomsbury Academic
Page 124

Rogers, M (1999) Barbie Culture, London, SAGE Publications Ltd.
Page 11

Atkinson, K (2011) ‘Feminism is an arrogant philosophy that has lost its way’[internet] Daily Mail, available from<>

(To add to this theory i further looked into the character personalities themselves and found a rather humerous result, the names of the three protagonist women are "Georgia O'Queefe, Queen Elizatits,and Susan B Assthony" found at It aslo showed me that the women also tend to have their reers as well as chest facing the viewer in an unrealistic set of poses the human body would severely damage itself doing.) - to later look at

ideas task 5

potential titles:

21st century responses to how feminism is perceived.
percieved impact of feminism in modern society.
relationships within the societal views of feminism based from art in the 21st century.

its important to me because equalism should be the main goal in feminism but people dont see it this way, just looks like angry women. extremist has given it a bad reputation to the point that artistic responses vary from mocking feminism, to poprtraying strong hate driven views.

i wouldnt intend to look at work based from just one gender so looking at all genders will give a better knowledge of the subject. mostly look at works by artist that may not have a very opinionated view or they may not take it too seriously but still have an opinion. because i would like to explore the reactions people have to the views than the ways that the feminist ideas are spread. (makes sense to me)

 very brief essay paragraph content:
  • history
  • about society
  • the sexualisation and objectivication
  • whats made it more important now
  • further into artists that represent opinions
  • combat opinions with other artists
  • examples of where it camefrom
  • where it is now

quote pages:

potential images task 5

for my essay i have began to look into more images i could potentially put in to back up my arguements. i would preffer a range of images, so not so closed into one main theme. for example time period, style or concept. this would hopefully allow me to keep a broader mind whilst looking into how image can effect the opinions i wish to explore surrounding feminism.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

equality in terms of feminism facts

feminism is called what it is because its about raising females to the point of men. not bringing men down. equalism would suggest that men would be brought down which is why it isnt the representing word.
the following are from this web page. this clearly states what i believe feminism to mean.
  1. Feminists respect individual, informed choices and believe there shouldn't be a double standard in judging a person. Everyone has the right to sexual autonomy and the ability to make decisions about when, how and with whom to conduct their sexual life.
  2. Contrary to popular belief feminism has nothing to do with belittling men, in fact feminism does not support sexism against either gender. Feminism works towards equality, not female superiority.
  3. There isn't just one type of feminism, there are a variety of feminist groups including: girlie feminist, third-wave feminist, pro-sex feminist, and so on. All these groups aim to deal with different types of discrimination women, and sometimes men, face.
  4. What feminists want the world to know, or at least acknowledge is the different ways men and women are treated, and although there have been great strides towards equality, women and men are far from playing on the same field.
  5. Even in the 10 top paying jobs for women, females earn less than men; only one career, speech pathology, pays the same regardless of gender.