Thursday, 8 January 2015

very rough essay start & ideas

  • Good tings
  • Opinions
  • Bigger than ever
  • Recognised as bad
  • Tired of it
  • origin
  • statistics
  • protests
  • male support
  • celebrity influence- im not a feminist but…
  • press

the term feminism arose from ..(date).. where... was the objective. equality was the aim and extreme measures were taken to trigger a movement to create a widespread recognition of women to be treats the same as men. examples. quotes. this originated... place... in... where ..person.. did...   . the term once represented... however modern society tends to have mixed definitions of the term. has what this word represents and stands for gone backwards?

as stated, acts of official feminism started from( place person  time), the acts started something that has gradually turned into closer equalism, more than ever recorded in history. however there are still very obvious differences in the two defined genders, and even more so to those who don’t identify with one fixed gender. such as... some cultures are more disrespectful to the idea of women being equal to men, and others the opposite.. example.. this difference in a collective opinion will further influence the strength and need of feminist acts. cultures where there is a larger gap will most likely contain more radical acts and therefor shifting the opinion of the term feminism. however to contrast this theory, there are cultures that its natural for the women to be classed at a lower form of living.

The way that females are portrayed in society also reflects the expectations and pressures that women have to live up to, ranging from video games to movies and magazines. These pressures influence how the ideal woman should look and act, resulting in rebellious opinions from women that don’t identify themselves as these impossible figures, this is most profound in 1st worlds cultures.  Therefor leading to more aggressive opinions of media as there is a dehumanisation/objectification of women. Fig example... in rebellion to these expectations some women have shown opposite efforts to contradict what is expected of them. For example not shaving bodily hair. Although smooth legs should not be an imperative aspect of peoples lives it has escalated to the point where to appear lady like, women have to have smooth, hairless legs to be accepted into societal expectations. Such an act has turned into a figure of modern feminism. In the eye of a non feminist this appears as an act against hygiene, therefor reinforcing negative views on those who identify as a feminist.

Celebrity influence also has a negative effect on public opinion as some of the strong female figures deny being a feminist as they don’t wish to be viewed as one, suggestively because of the bad press towards self proclaimed feminists.
Although the media has negative influences towards feminists there are some positive reinforcements to contradict them….

Although overall men statistically are more likely to initiate domestic violence or abuse, the bad side of feminism has formed the impression that all men are a part of this. And by doing so this has enforced the view of ‘boys will be boys’ and allowing boys to have a protection against their actions as it is seemed as a natural building of a males life. So although feminism didn’t create the violent and sexict views of a portion of the male population, It has contributed to the view of normalluty of the disrespect some males have shown… article..

How positive or negative feminism is perceived all depends on what people believe it stands for. The meaning of feminism has shifted over the years to form a society of missenformed followers, of what the true meaning of has gradually changed. Changed to being viewed as a more powerfull gender than men. When in actuality feminism was formed to fight for equality.
It appears that it is another case of people only recalling bad things and radical extremes in the name of feminism than the focus of what it is meant to represent.